Ancient writing

Jordán, Á. A.: Concepto y uso del monumento epigráfico en la Hispania Romana durante el Principado, Signifer Libros, Madrid, 2014

Ancient History / Latin Epigraphy / Archaeology of Roman Hispania / Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula/Hispania / Historia Antigua / Ancient writing / Roman Inscriptions / Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica / Ancient writing / Roman Inscriptions / Historia Antigua de la Península Ibérica

The Khipus of Laguna de los Cóndores.

Latin American Studies / Andean Archaeology / Andean studies / Khipus (quipus) colonial Peru / Ancient writing

Dos khipus wari del Horizonte Medio provenientes de Castillo de Huarmey.

Andean Archaeology / Andean studies / Khipus (quipus) colonial Peru / Ancient writing / Peruvian Archaeology

LA TESSERA DE HOSPITALIDAD DE MONTE BERNORIO (PALENCIA). UN EXCEPCIONAL DOCUMENTO EN BRONCE DE LA IIª EDAD DEL HIERRO. ANÁLISIS Y CONSERVACIÓN / The Hospitality Tessera from Monte Bernorio (Palencia). An exceptional bronze document from the late Iron Age. Analysis and conservation

Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Celtic Languages / Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage / Conservation Treatment / Ancient writing / Palencia / SEM/EDX Analysis / Monte Castro Bernorio (Palencia, Spain), Archaeological Ceramics, Pottery Protohistoric Iron Age IInd, Funnel, Centuries I - IV BC, Casters Profile the "S" / Teserae Hospitalis / Palencia / SEM/EDX Analysis / Monte Castro Bernorio (Palencia, Spain), Archaeological Ceramics, Pottery Protohistoric Iron Age IInd, Funnel, Centuries I - IV BC, Casters Profile the "S" / Teserae Hospitalis

LA TESSERA DE HOSPITALIDAD DE MONTE BERNORIO (PALENCIA). UN EXCEPCIONAL DOCUMENTO EN BRONCE DE LA IIª EDAD DEL HIERRO. ANÁLISIS Y CONSERVACIÓN / The Hospitality Tessera from Monte Bernorio (Palencia). An exceptional bronze document from the late Iron Age. Analysis and conservation

Iron Age Iberian Peninsula (Archaeology) / Late Iron Age (Archaeology) / Celtic Languages / Ancient writing / Science for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage and History of Architecture / Conservation Treatments / Tesserae Hospitales / SEM/EDX Analysis / Monte Castro Bernorio (Palencia, Spain), Archaeological Ceramics, Pottery Protohistoric Iron Age IInd, Funnel, Centuries I - IV BC, Casters Profile the "S" / Conservation Treatments / Tesserae Hospitales / SEM/EDX Analysis / Monte Castro Bernorio (Palencia, Spain), Archaeological Ceramics, Pottery Protohistoric Iron Age IInd, Funnel, Centuries I - IV BC, Casters Profile the "S"
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